Thursday, April 26, 2012

1 Step Forward, 2 Steps Back

That is how about Mr. Notch right now after having pretty much the entire academic year off. Sure I went out and visited him during the winter and lunged him periodically, but it was not enough. We were having some problems towards the end of the summer resulting in me being thrown twice in one night (did wonders for my confidence NOT!). This bucking at the lope I latter determined was due to an ill fitting saddle (Saddle fit is a whole other story).
During the summer we had spent a lot of time on simple things like turning and stopping. He was really good at turning his head one way and going to other direction. We had made quite a bit o progress and he was working off my aids much better. Then he had way to much time off and it is like we have gone back to square one! It makes me wish I could have boarded him closer to where I go to school instead of 2 hours away. And winter in WI was not helpful even though we had a fairly mild winter compared to other years it always seemed to be at its coldest when I was home. My toes and fingers threatened to fall off and Notch acted like a crazy beast when I lunged him, see example below. Alright I'm rambling I will stop now.
Notch with A LOT of pent up energy


  1. I love how Notch got his name. :-) He's very handsome and I look forward to reading of our adventures.

    1. Thanks! I wish I could take credit for his name, I have only seen one other horse with the same name.

  2. What a cool picture, and I like your bits and bridles background! Enjoying your blog :-)
