Monday, April 30, 2012

A little History

I decided that my "About Me" section is a little lacking at the moment so I am going to add some more background here.

So I started riding when I was a sophomore in high school, latter than I would have liked but at least I got to start. I started riding my friends 20 year old Arab cross mare. She was overall a safe ride but was by no means a push button pony. Like most mares I have met she was very opinionated. She was pretty arena sour and was all go, go, go on the trail (I think she missed her calling as an endurance horse).

I rode her for the next 6 years, during this time we competed in one (VERY informal) show. We somehow managed a 2nd place in western pleasure (don't worry we didn't have one of those nasty pleasure lopes) we then had a 4th in western horsemanship and a 6th in the egg and spoon.

Proof that we actually got 2nd and I'm sporting my beautiful show attire lol

And then last summer I met Notch a 4yr old (lazy) quarter horse gelding. It was quite a change going from the mare to Notch, their personalities could not be further apart. The mare was very forward, especially on the trail but even in the arena it was work to slow her down. Mr. Lazypants (aka Notch) is very much the opposite he prefers to mosey around the arena and down the trail. I am trying to figure out what his "dream" occupation would be, other that professional eater of grass, and right now I am leaning towards competitive trail.

Another photo of Notch just because I feel like it :-)

1 comment:

  1. He is a great looking gelding, and I LOVE his name. Notch. So cool. It can be hard to find out what talents a horse has, and what they really love to do. We thought Pippi would be a berrel horse, but although a paint her talents are clearly Hunter. LOL
